About Us

Welcome to our store.

The Sandy Seekat is a result of our passion for nature. From working as a Safari Guide in Africa to going sailing around the world, we always want to be close to wildlife and remote nature. On our journey we are and always will be part of conservation and helping with anti-poaching where we can, resulting working in very remote areas. This store is set up to fund our exploration and conservation efforts.

For those of you curious to know what a SEEKAT is… it’s an octopus, yes, the sandy octopus – that’s us. If we were forced to choose, this would be our favourite animal on earth. Not only are they shy and mysterious, they are also extremely intelligent and curious animals. It’s just suited to have one as our logo.

Be an ambassador to your soul by stocking up on our adventure themed clothing - from camping to sailing or just a day at the beach, we’ve got you covered.